Take a walk on brimstones and fire

I sort of came up with this game idea on the fly, mostly to test what the dance pad can do as a controller… it turns out to be pretty fun for a 12 hour effort:

Play Shuffle!

This game is a lot more fun when you use a dance pad. Sync Oni has nothing on some of the wierder twists in this game! For those who don’t have a dance pad and a PS2 controller adapter (which is probably everyone but me >_<), you CAN play with the keyboard, but the key twitching isn't really all that fun, and you lose track of footing when you use more than two fingers... I still want to test out the Tetris modes with a helper. Unfortunately, my brother is out today, and all of my regular game pad sized controllers are at George's place, so I was trying to solo the tetris mode with a bulky arcade style (fighting game) controller... bleh. It feels like playing an old Atari game while you're on weed... But anyway, try it and tell me what you think of it! (even though the experience is kinda different)

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