I officially declare the walls in my room BLUE. After roughly a week of moving things around and painting, all of my walls are now sky blue. I would have painted it royal blue, which is my favorite color, but I agreed with my father that it would make the room too dark and gloomy, so I make do with what I can.
In the process of cleaning up I’ve found some rather memorable items, some of which I will share after I put everything into their new rightful place. Out of the items that I probably will not want, there’s a BIG, chunky subwolfer that I hardly ever use, a stereo system where the CD player and the right speaker seems broken. However, the speaker could be fixed, I’m just not sure how. There’s also a TI-89 for sale (no menu, but I’ll throw in a serial TI link cable for good measure), and an old, old original GameBoy for anyone who is interested.